Hey Precious,

You know when you look yourself in the mirror and feel the transformation shine through your eyes. You feel lighter, you feel beautiful and you feel like everything may just be alright? That is when you know that you are growing. It may be steadily, it may be one step at a time, but it is growth. The kind of growth that lets you know, that although once in a dark place, the storm doesn’t last forever. Today I just want to celebrate you. Celebrate you for coming this far, celebrate you for having never given up and celebrate you for trying.Sometimes you just need to take a time-out and pat yourself on the back, not because you have conquered your goal of self-love, but because for months you have been trying. This trying has led to revelations in your personality, insight in your areas of hurt, intentional growth towards your healing and a radiating contentment in your soul. You have overcome temptations, said no to situations that do not serve you and have become direly protective of your time that you once used to take for granted. Every single overcoming is worth celebrating, because self-love is not a goal, it is a journey, and taking time out to pat yourself on the back is essential.

Here are some things you can celebrate today;

  • You quit that job that used to drain you and went after your dreams
  • No matter how hard things got, you kept on moving
  • You taught yourself that you are enough
  • You started working out and are loving the transformation
  • You quit eating every last unhealthy thing set before you, you now monitor your diet
  • You started self-loving, self-improving and self-motivating
  • You cut out toxic habits
  • You cut off toxic people
  • You have become proactive in your growth towards goals
  • You plan better, you do better, you are a better version of yourself
  • You quit the pity party and took your life into your own hands
  • You cut of the TOXIC boy

Regardless of how small these things might seem, I guarantee you that small steps make a journey. It is being able to say, you know what… Three months ago I would be drowning in everything I face today, but I have got this. I smile through the storm, because I understand the power that lies within me. I have stopped reacting to everything that threatens my peace, I now ensure that I take it in my stride. I have emotional intelligence, I have mastered my thoughts and I genuinely am loving who I am growing to be. I am cultivating new habits, heathy habits that leave me feeling refreshed and not drained.

I am doing the thang! The actual THANGS!

So precious, sit back and think back on how far you have come. Applaud yourself, because the things that threatened to break, you made you. The things that made you believe you were stuck and forever going to be in that dark place, showed you just how much strength lies within you. Although it was not easy, the growth has been impeccable. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it.

That in itself deserves a pat on the back. You are doing amazing, sweetie!

With a tad bit of crazy

Love Mavis


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