In this episode of Mono Man we chat to the handsome and very talented Waters. You may have seen him in a music video with Lioness or on stage at the Warehouse Theatre, Waters is definitely one to watch.
Music is…
Music is source of feeling. It allows us to feel possibly all the emotions we’ve experienced in our lives.
Well music to me is everything. It’s my day and night, can’t function without it. A set of headphones and I’ll be good no matter what.
Tell us about the name “Waters” and how it came about
Waters came to me when I felt that I was at my lowest. See what water does, is flow. No matter what tries to stop it, it keeps going. That was my motivation to be better and be the best Waters I can be. In conclusion, keep flowing and whatever is in your way, keep going.
Tell us about the creative process of creating Notice
I had the song Notice in the chamber for about a year before releasing it on 3 August 2020. I’m kind of a perfectionist and the song never really got to the point I wanted it to be. It started with working around simple chords, and I mumbled the lyrics through whilst BrownKlaxic (the producer) recorded me. A couple of weeks of working we managed to have a full track of lyrics that was madly relatable. Adjustments were mad over the year and eventually I put my thoughts aside and released the song.
Who do you wish to collaborate with some day?
My dream collaboration is to work with Lucky Daye.
What are you currently working on?
I’m working on an EP called “Grey”, which scheduled to to be out in July.
Lessons you learned in 2020
2020 taught me that it’s important to know what you want.
Set goals, write them down, write what you have to gain and lose in order to get what you want or to be where you want to be.
If your life was a movie what would I be called?
What does your ideal date look like?
Picnic in nature.
What do you want to be remembered for?
I want to be remembered as an artist who tried to reach his goals and became his higher self.
Watch Waters in the Feelings Music Video with Lioness
Follow Waters on social media for more on his latest and future projects