What Feminism in NOT.

Our March issue is here to school you.

I have seen how sensitive and detrimental this topic can be especially when you are not informed correctly.

The word “Feminism” is a confusing roller-coaster when brought up in conversations but it should not be. The meaning repeatedly insists that “Feminism” is about the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.

Now, here is what I’m going to do. With the help of Suvannah Weiss in an article she wrote for Bustle, we are going to school you on what Feminism is not and what it is to me. We are all different and view situations different.

Feminism does not mean that women are superior.

Feminism does not mean that we have negative views of men.

Feminism doe not mean we think feminine things are bad.

Feminism does not mean everyone and everything should be the same.

Feminism does not mean we are gay and it is a bad thing.

Feminism does not mean we are just reinforcing gender.

Feminism does not mean we are angry beings.

Feminism  means appreciating anyone and everyone who is working tirelessly to making sure that the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic are equal to that of men.

Feminism  means anyone who is daring to make moves into a dominating field of a specific gender.

Feminism means having to acknowledge that our society is changing and we need to start incorporating these changes.

Feminism means having to stand up and shout out loud  that we DO NOT want anyone and everyone to be grouped into only two, men and women but rather having endless groups of people.

So, if you are to ask me if I am a feminist, I’d proudly respond and say Heck. Yes.

If you think I may have stepped on a bone or a nerve, please email me Disney Andreas and we can continue the discussion from hereon.

Until next time



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