Imagine the gym being over crowed, your biceps way too sore after all those curls and /or being too tired to meal-prep. One simple solution that has become so popular today is downloading a fitness and health app. It’s simple, Its cheaper than hiring a personal trainer or dietitian and it works for plenty of people says , an assistant editor at Men’s Fitness.

Here are our favourite fitness and health apps that are currently being used by some of our Mono Team.

Betty Sibeso-

I use 8fit for my mini 10-20min at home workouts.

Emily Kandanga-

Headspace for mediation .

Beauty Boois-

I use the Calm App for meditation and mindfulness training.

Disney Andreas-

I use Asana Rebel for yoga, HiFit and for fitness.

Let us know which fitness and health apps your are currently active with

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