-Shallot Mohutege

Many people often fear for their future after graduation.  Especially with this economy that does not seem to be getting any better. As if it’s not enough that there are people already sitting at home with their papers, most people are lucky to even land a job, any job at that. being jobless can be quiet challenging, especially when you got papers just lying around at home.

But what can you do in the meantime while job hunting? Surely you can’t just sit at home waiting for a miracle to happen right? So here are a few pointers that you can take a look at.

Tap into your creative side

Try and do something creative. You can try anything from painting to drawing or even designing or perhaps you have the voice to sing and you never even knew it. Truth is; you’ll never know what you’re good at unless you try and unlock your hidden talent. We can do anything we put our minds to it, who knows? You might even start making a quick buck from doing something that you didn’t know you had the ability to. You might even make a name for yourself. Killing two birds with one stone.

Create your own job

You can also start your very own company. Find something you love and like Nike, Just Do It! You have nothing but time so what do you have to lose? You might just surprise yourself in the process. You can try out different ideas and see which one sticks.  You can start selling things online or open up a salon or a barbershop. Do not be limited to anything! Make things happen for yourself. Do not be that sore loser, sitting at home, waiting for job to fall from the sky. Alternatively; you could also start tutoring in modules you did at varsity or even tutor kids in high school and charge them for a small fee. This will keep you occupied and your brain working too!

Start a blog about the industry you want to go into

You have all that knowledge from university so why not put it to good use? Write about what it means being a (insert what you studied here). This way you can broaden your knowledge and also show your future bosses that you haven’t just been sitting at home and you are dedicated as well. Put your ideas out there. You never know who might be reading.

Turn your hobby into work

If you have something you love doing, you can earn a living from that. if you love writing, start a blog or even your own online magazine. If you are a fitness junky why not organize a boot camp or start training people from your community and charging them a small fee? This will keep you busy before you get the job.


You could volunteer at different companies. Now I know this doesn’t bring in any income but hear me out. Volunteering allows you to gain experience and get to know people in the same industry as you are. Also there’s a chance that you might get hired as soon as that company starts looking for people , why? Because they already know you and what you are capable of. Volunteering also shows that you remained active and learned few new things too.

Get an internship

Like volunteering, internships allow you to sit at the right table with the right people. It doesn’t matter whether it’s paid or unpaid. Just get one. Once you get an internship be sure to work your butt off and show your bosses that you are willing and able. They might just hire you or even recommend you to somebody who’s hiring.


Of all things mentioned in this article, nothing is more important than networking. If you are a graduate looking for a job, go out there and sell yourself to as many people as you possibly can. Attend functions and seminars related to your field of study. You never know who you might run into or sit next to. It’s all about who you know these days.

Doesn’t matter what you do, just go out there and gain as much experience as you need and get to know the right people (network) this will improve your CV and make it easier for companies to hire you. Remember that any job at all is better than just sitting at home and being couch potato.    


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