The Windhoek Fashion Week is upon us and I am here for it all.

We approximately one week to brainstorm how to incorporate a lot of vibrant colors into our wardrobes and the only way to find out how is seeing how our street style enthusiasts embrace that.

I strongly believe that in Namibia, the true fashion heroes are street style enthusiasts that swarms around a handful of “It” Items from the collections just showcased. This sets off a sort of chain reaction because they’re photographed in those pieces, those images make their way around the Internet, people start inquiring about said pieces, and the market is suddenly overwhelmed with them and their look-alikes.

Does this apply in a Namibian context?. No, it doesn’t. But it should and fast. Designers need to invest in side pieces that are “fashion-person” approved. This means that you don’t have to wait long to cop the biggest and popular collections from WFW because *many of the street-style crowd’s picks are already available for purchase and are budget-friendly.

For our issue this month, we look into Pop Culture. I am expecting to see Namibia’s biggest fashion event to ooze pop culture. I mean, seeing daring outfits that are out of this world and “head-turning” looks that give off that “WOW” factor.

Here’s what I envision street-style enthusiasts will be rocking  at this years’ WFW

Minimalist Artsy Tees

Neon Add-Ons

Clear fabrics

Scarf Accents

I hope these pan out the way I have them all tucked in my mind.

Until next time!




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