Gift season is here and if you are stuck like us we are here to figure it out together.

How to gift? Here’s what you should consider:

There are so many options when it comes to presents that show how much you care. So when it comes to giving, find your loved ones the meaningful gifts they deserve!

1. Give by observing

The number one rule of meaningful gift-giving is observation: those who have mastered the art pay attention to what their friends and loved ones say and what their interests are. People are constantly dropping hints about what their likes and dislikes are, often when you least expect it! Would they like something useful, or something decorative? Something for the house, or something for themselves?

2. Give by personality

Failing to consider who you’re giving to is a sure-fire way to have an awkward gifting experience. But matching the gift to their unique personality sends a message that says you care about who they are.

3. Give by niche interest or hobby

Your friends’ and relatives’ hobbies can also steer you in the right direction when it comes to finding the perfect gift. Are they a gardener, or perhaps a wine lover? Giving within that niche is a great way to let them know that you notice and appreciate this unique aspect of them.

4. Give creatively

Unique gifts that you make yourself are especially meaningful because they show your loved one that you used your time, energy, and creative juice to get them something nice. The possibilities for do-it-yourself gifts are endless and you can take inspiration from almost anywhere, but coupon books, handwritten letters or poems, handmade baked goods or clothing, or even a pretty box full of nice sayings about your loved one and memories you’ve made together are great places to start!

5. Give an adventure

Adventures also make great non-material gifts, especially if your loved one likes to get out. An adventurous gift can be anything from a skydiving experience, to a class that the two of you take together, to a membership to a local museum or state park. Again, it all depends on your recipient and what their interests are.


Hope the gifts you are receiving are just as thought out! Happy Holidays!

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