I’m sure by know we all know that I work more than I do anything. I’m the epitome of a workaholic. 

I’ve been this way all my life – when I was a little girl, not only would I come up with my own games or find new ways to study/learn, I ran my own “businesses”. 

I used to sell cookies, when I was around 12 or 13. When I was a little older I braided people’s hair for money, I even learned how to crochet and helped my mom out with her doily making business. I was a busy child. 

When my mom passed in 2008, I was 15. My older sister was in Windhoek for varsity, my dad worked for the Ministry of Agriculture and was out of town from Monday to Friday every week. Which meant I had my younger sister and brother, as well as myself (and my dad) to take care of. 

I don’t think I’ve fully rested ever since. 

Along the way my dad passed on (2011) and then my older sister (2013).  Which meant half my family was gone and I had to make sure the rest of us survive. 

I’m sharing this because my work ethic stems from that. I know why I need to work the way I do but I also know that I need to take care of myself so that I’m able to do that. 

So I’ve learnt to take time out to refill my cup, to stay sane, to stay above water. 

Ever since I started working for myself, I’ve become an even bigger introvert. I only leave the house when I have meetings, to the gym or to run errands. As part of my self care regime – I try to say yes to a few “let’s go hang out” invitations. That way I get to take in a different scene and talk to other people other than my siblings and assistant. DO SOMETHING OUTSIDE WORK.

It’s easy for me to sit at my desk 24/7 and design my life away (honestly, I don’t mind), but I try to TAKE BREAKS in between work by doing other things around the house like cleaning, cooking (arg), reading, having a cup of coffee or just watching a few episodes of a show on Netflix.

I also NAP a lot. This is my favourite self care activity, actually. Lol.

As much as I don’t like WORKING OUT, I always feel relaxed and refreshed after a gym session. There’s some clarity that comes with a good workout that I like.

Sitting for 2 – 4 hours doing nothing is both daunting and therapeutic for me but other forms of self care I enjoy is getting my nails and lashes done, a facial, a massage, you name it. Add a little shopping and it’s a perfect day. So a little PAMPERING once in a while is definitely how I practise self care.

It’s also important to me that I sometimes spend time with myself, outside of being a boss babe or a caretaker. To remember who I am when I’m not wearing the two hats. That also means setting boundaries for when I can do just that; not taking work calls or emails after 7pm. Using every alone time I get at home to just be.

A necessary form of self care I take for granted and don’t orchestrate as often as I should is SPENDING QUALITY TIME WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY. Like actually spend time with them. I don’t do that enough but every time I do I’m reminded of what life is really about. I’m reminded that I’m not just here to survive, pay bills and die. And that I should actually LIVE. 


These are my every day self care regimes but I’m looking to add some TRAVELLING, planned and work-free travelling. I’d like to add more READING time. More SOLO DATES. More ART/PAINTING activities. More MOVEMENT activities.

My plan for the rest of the year is to work smarter, less and LIVE A LITTLE more.

How do you practise self-care? Let me try out your methods too. 


– Betty (@bettysibeso)


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