Transit wise this week is very relaxed compared to last week. It’s not going to feel like that though because we are still reeling back from last week’s chaos. Monday to Thursday are fine but this weekend is going to be intense with the second full moon of this month.

Late on Sunday (25) the sun conjuncts Mercury in Scorpio which follows us into Monday (26). Considering that Mercury this could translate in delayed short trips (eg your trip to work, running errands etc.), I have noticed that traffic lights in my city trip when Mercury is retrograde. So, if you have appointments be sure to leave extra early. The moon is in Pisces so perhaps people just aren’t paying attention, they may be deep in their feelings or dreamworld. I expect this to be a blue Monday, again like last week more about the vibes than anything else. The moon will form a positive aspect with Uranus bringing unexpected but pleasant surprises. I suspect a lot of us will have the sudden desire to tend to a task we have putting off. The moon will also trine the sun in Scorpio giving us a chance to take an in depth look at our feelings. 

Tue (27) the moon is still in Pisces and will oppose Venus in the late evening causing conflict between our emotional needs and how we think we need to be loved. However, it will make a positive aspect to Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn before shifting into Aries early on Wednesday morning. The moon also squares the North Node so the ways in which we are not addressing the needs of our soul will be highlighted.

Wed (28) the Sun retrogrades back into Libra and we’re going to feel it, the last degrees of a sign scream “urgent” and this occurring so close to the end of the month indicates more chaos than usual especially since we are building up to a full moon. The “luna(r)” in “lunatic” is not there by coincidence. On Wednesday Venus will move into its home sign of Libra . The moon will meet up with the wounded healer Chiron which will be bringing up some things. Nothing new though.

Thursday (29) the moon will be in Aries all day and will conjunct Mars making us feel more aggressive and assertive. We must be careful because Mars is still retrograde so these feelings may not be coming from the right place. Mercury is retrograde so it’s also easy for us to be misunderstood. If you have a problem really think about the language you will use to express this.

Fri (30) the moon in Aries will be opposite Mercury. Because this is the day before the full moon, a lot of unexpected emotions will begin building up, again watch your temper. The moon will be shifting into Taurus early in the evening. I suggest making time to self-care this weekend. Taurus moons are my personal favorite, they are a great time to indulge your senses, your body has a lot of information your mind may have glossed over.

On Sat (31) we have a lot going on. We have a full and blue moon in Taurus at 8 degrees conjunct Uranus. Seems to me like empowerment will be found with this full moon through evolution from chaos/change. The full moon is always a time of illumination, where have you been selling yourself short?

The Sun will be opposite which is expected to bring unexpected and exciting encounters or events that shake up your world. Adapting to any changes requires extra effort, and any excitement may leave your nerves frayed. These unexpected and quite possibly unwanted changes can manifest in yourself, through a partner, or through an external event. Although initially upsetting and you may resist any change, it may offer a better way forward for you if you keep an open mind.

Mercury will square Saturn – watch your neck. We will be feeling this until November 7th. This is definitely a karmic aspect, Mercury treading back to balance the scales with karma. But the 8th degree of the full moon giving us a chance to put an end to these stories by empowering ourselves. But to do that we have to admit where we are giving our power away. I need you all to pay attention to the themes that come up now because in November we have a full moon on 8 degrees Gemini and it will be a lunar eclipse.

Sun (1) is the first day of a new month so there will be fresh energy but with the moon in Taurus I guarantee you’re going to want to take it slow. There are no aspects on this day so it’s quite a relaxed day; perfect for manifesting a good week.

Be intentional with it because next Monday has the shot of being a good Monday for the first time in a while.


Happy birthday Scorpio! You are feeling a lot more like yourself with the sun in your sign even though your ruler Mars is still retrograde for 3 more weeks. The week starts out with the moon trining your moon/sun/rising which means you will be feeling quite in tune with yourself emotionally. This is supportive energy since you’re still trying to figure out what exactly you’re doing right now and where exactly you have to go.  Yes, Scorpio is a fixed sign, but it is still a water sign and water can fit into any container it’s put in. Aim to be flexible this week. There will be some ease on Wednesday when Mercury moves out of your sign back into Libra. After this the week gets a bit hectic for you, the moon moving into Aries will trigger deep feelings for you, feelings you may not have been aware of and I encourage you to dive into this energy so you can unpack what you leave behind when you turn a year older.  The full moon in your opposite sign Taurus will further prompt you to look at these feelings. You can ignore it, I’m not here to tell you what to do. But I highly suspect it will come up again in the next 3 weeks.


I dragged you guys last week, my bad guys. If you took my advice you’ll be having a good relaxed week because November has big plans for you. If not you’ll be overwhelmed by your emotions all week. You could take the time out now to really look at how you are feeling after last week – how you have been feeling for a while now. Mars retrograde is giving you the opportunity to really strategize not just your how but your why.


Caps… did you rest? If not it’s fine, the full moon on Friday will give you everything you need to get in touch with your body and therefore yourselves. Capricorn risings will be enjoying themselves this week with full moon illuminating their 5th house which rules your children (or inner child), your creativity and your hobbies. You could find a new and healthy way to blow off steam.


October has been wild for you with Mercury and your ruling planet Uranus both in retrograde and having been opposite each other twice this month. The new and shocking evidence that has been presented to you throughout October will be highlighted by the full moon on Saturday. With the sun opposite Uranus you may be feeling the need to introspect and reflect on who you are, what you value and what you need. However, with the full moon conjunct your ruling planet those answers are likely to come to you, don’t think about it too hard, it’s more obvious than you think.


You’ll be feeling at home with yourself early in the week with the moon in your sign and you have a chance to look even deeper when it trines the sun in Scorpio. Your ruling planet Neptune is opposite Venus which has had you feeling less than pretty but you will feel much better when Venus shifts into Libra. This full moon is a great time for you to think about what’s important to you and what goals you would like to accomplish.


The Sun moving into Scorpio brings some strong Martian energy into play which will have you feeling a lot more like yourself. The build up to the full moon in the week will have you quite aware of your feelings. For Aries risings the full moon will fall in the 2nd house which means the way you value yourself will be highlighted as well as your saving (money) habits.


So all the complicated things you have been feeling will be bubbling up this week. I suggest you make room because it’s coming through by fire or by force. The full moon being at 8 degrees means pressure is felt to evolve in a way that is empowering to you. Taurus suns will have a different outlook on what their egos need, Taurus moons will be experiencing a fresh start (which will likely look like an ending on first inspection) and Taurus risings are going to be introspecting on how they present their vulnerability to the world.


The North Node has been transitting your sign for the majority of 2020. This means that you’re experiencing quite a few fated events. The chaos you are experiencing this Mercury retrograde is karmic so pay attention. Mercury moving back into Libra will put you more at ease. Gemini risings are requested to rest this weekend because the full moon will be in the part of your chart that rules rest.


You’ll be feeling in touch with yourself but still emotional early in the week, if music is your cup of tea, lean on that for emotional regulation. The moon makes positive aspects to Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn so you could be quite constructive if you’re not caught up in dreamland. The moon will then move into Aries where it will meet Chiron and Mars highlighting your soft spots, pay attention you will have much to learn from what comes up. The full moon on Saturday is going to feel delicious for you too, stay home and self-care. Make your favorite meal, spend time with those you live. This can be quite refreshing for you!


Sudden changes are expected for you later this week with your ruling planet, the Sun opposite Uranus. Check yourself before you wreck yourself is the most fitting phrase. I highly suspect that those of you running on fumes are going to be feeling it in your physical body. May I recommend a massage? It’s even month end, treat yourself! You’ll be feeling much lighter when Mercury and Venus move into Libra. This full moon will likely feel frustrating for you, stay home this weekend if you can. 


If you haven’t noticed by now – Mercury (your ruler) retrogrades are meant to check those systems you have built. All those routines and habits? What’s the point of them if they don’t come through for you when things are chaotic? How efficient is something if it needs the right environment to work? My point? Stay strong because even though the week is chilled, the retrograde still has you less than 100. The full moon in Taurus will feel delicious though, dive into the pleasure. Get into your body, do what makes you feel good whether that means getting dressed up or making your favourite meal. You deserve it. Take advantage of the last time Venus will be in your sign until next year.


The universe is doing right by you by giving you support with your ruling planet moving into your sign. This Libra season was not as chilled as others because of Mars retrograde but the universe is making it right by you by giving you Libra energy in Scorpio season. You’ll be feeling seen, loved and appreciated in ways that have depth because of the Sun in Scorpio. The moon transitting Aries will be emotionally frustrating because it’s almost full and will be opposite your sun/moon/rising. Mercury moving back into your sign is going to feel intense, pay attention because you could say some final goodbyes.

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