What is it about being a woman that makes you love it? With everything against us, what is it that makes you proud and happy that you are.

We asked a few of our faves to find out what their favourite thing about being a woman is.

Selma Kaulinge

Being women could easily be one of the hardest things to be. A woman has to be strong yet vulnerable.
A woman is expected to do it all on her own; however she is told by society that being with a man is the
ideal. A woman has to be ambitious, yet she has to take care of the world around her. It seems like the
world constantly expects women to choose, in fact most of the time society makes the choice for her.
However there is beauty in being a woman. A beauty that cannot be explained nor can it be taught. It is
inherent in every woman and radiate through her even at her lowest. It illuminates even in the darkest
times and it manages to touch those around her. It is a source of strength when she is weary, and a
guide when she finds herself lost. We have all seen this beauty, it has held us when we were scared, it has
fed us when we were hungry, and it has encouraged us when we thought we could not go on. It is the
beauty you see when you look at a mother, a sister, a friend, a grandmother, an aunt and ultimately
when you as a woman look within yourself. This is my favorite thing about being a woman.


Sunet van Wyk

Photo by Through My Lens Photography

In all seriousness, my favourite thing about being a woman is the inner strength that comes with it.  Women have an inner strength that’s not dependent on how big our biceps are or how much we can bench. It’s a strength that enables us to be put through hell and come out on the other side bigger and better than ever – and that’s what I love!  We don’t go down without a fight. In fact, no – We don’t go down, full stop, because we’ll always get back up again.

Also, we can kick some serious butt and we do it in heels. How badass is that?

Ronelle Sechogele

My favourite things about being a woman is most definitely:
Nothing makes me feel more of a woman than applying lipstick.

Lahya Haininga

In a world as patriarchal and as misogynistic as ours, what could there be to love about being a woman?
Let me tell you.
I’ll start with the versatility of my hair. The fact that I can comb out my ‘fro today and be in a full set of braids tomorrow. I can choose to wear a wig to work, but opt for a twist out for girls night out.
The freedom to feel any and every emotion, fully, with no fear of my friends judging me. I can cry and still maintain my strength.
The 20th century has presented me, a black woman, with a stage to challenge for opportunities in predominantly male fields, and that’s just the beginning.
In the words of Maya Angelou,
..up from a past that’s rooted in pain, I rise.

What’s your favourite thing about being a woman? Tweet us.

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