We have been loving what the creative scene has been busy with during the COVID19 period and the #30dayseditorials is one trend we picked up.
We chat with Lavinia, who is a medical laboratory sciences student- soon to be a graduate and a fashion model. Healing and self-love have been her daily motivation this year.
The 30-day editorial challenge was started by her favorite model Lindiwe Dim from South Africa who is now based in the UK. Lavinia pointed because of the fact that she has this hunger for creativity and always yearning to be part of creative projects, it just made sense for her to take part.
Being a fashion model, I’ve always been part of someone else’s creative work and I haven’t really tested my creative side though I know it is there, so this is me taking a step and channeling my own creativity instead of waiting to be a model for someone else’s creativity.

She is a woman of substance and a true representation of an iron lady who is so authentic in her beliefs and in who she is. Every time I listen to her talks or read her work, I’m left astonished. I am left wanting to be a better version of myself and I can only hope & dream to be a feminist representative like she is.

Take care of yourself first, only then you can care for others.

As we follow Lavinia on her 30DaysEditorials challenge. You can surely catch the rest of it on her Instagram page.