Skincare tips for transforming to cooler temperature.

By Eva-Liisa Nailenge

We are transitioning into autumn which brings cool and dry weather, but as the weather changes, the way our skin reacts to new temperatures changes too. It is always ideal to tweak your skincare routine, keeping it healthy as the leaves fall. Initial thought would be for one to assume it is unnecessary, but your skin changes every 28 days, it is always best to add new products, ingredients that go with the skin as it changes.

Here are 4 amazing tips to revamp your skin this autumn:

1. Strengthen your barrier with Moisturiser.

To renew and rebuild damaged skin barrier, look for lipids and ceramides found in moisturisers, they will help with preventing moisture loss and retain hydration. Oily and acne prone skin types might want to use light moisturiser, thicker products may clog or contribute to oiliness.  Meanwhile, dry skin should look for thicker moisturiser and nutrient rich oils for extra nourishment.

2. For sensitive skin, hydrate!

Sensitive skin type or conditioned skin with eczema tend to experience burning sensation for days or weeks during weather transition of seasons, as we transition to cooler weather. The best thing you can do is hydrate and pelt your skin with serums, creams and moisturiser. For a glowy autumn skin focus on hydrating your skin. While on the go, you can beat a spritz of facial toner and hydrating toner.

3. Exfoliate semi regularly.

Over-exfoliating your skin can lead to excessive dryness, make sure to keep an exfoliator in your routine to shed away dead, dry skin cells. For sensitive skin I would recommend exfoliating once a week, for those that have little difficulty with their skin I would recommend no more than twice a week. Avoid exfoliating vigorously as this can cause abrasions or damage to skin.

4. SPF is your friend!

Even though UV radiation is greater during summer, it is still present during all seasons. your skin can be damaged by UV rays all year round, and SPF is the one product you can never swap out. I would recommend a mineral based SPF. So, wear SPF all year round!

How are you preparing your skin for the cooler temperatures? Share some tips with us. 



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