


Engineering Mavis: A letter to my 80 year old self

The year has officially kicked off and it is so refreshing to have a whole new start. I know they say new year’s resolutions are such cliches, but I think there is something liberating about new beginnings. Even if they come about every 365 days, and the resolutions seem to carry over year after year without much being achieved. The one thing we can not deny is that there is an aura in the air, that promises an opportunity to be better, do better and achieve better. That alone is reason enough for me to put on my big girl panties and go out in the world to kick ass.

Engineering Mavis: Festive Guide to Self-Love

Good morning Precious,

The festive season is fast approaching and this is the time of the year where all the craziness happens. Our guards are all the way down, because Christmas is in the air. The mood is jolly, and so are we. We have half way forgotten how tough the year was and are in desperate need of a holiday, the best part is… it is almost holiday o’ clock. Which means our morals and all the work we put into working on ourselves this year, are not at the centre of our thinking, because that would spoil the fun. Self-care does not have to be a drag and filled with amazing bath salts, it can simply be in making wise decisions this festive, and not have to find yourself picking up pieces come Jan_You_Worry.

Engineering Mavis: It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it.

Hey Precious,

You know when you look yourself in the mirror and feel the transformation shine through your eyes. You feel lighter, you feel beautiful and you feel like everything may just be alright? That is when you know that you are growing. It may be steadily, it may be one step at a time, but it is growth. The kind of growth that lets you know, that although once in a dark place, the storm doesn’t last forever. Today I just want to celebrate you. Celebrate you for coming this far, celebrate you for having never given up and celebrate you for trying.

Engineering Mavis: How long will you run from yourself?

The generation of today has made it a point to rally against gender issues and have become incredibly verbal about what they want and will not stand for. This has created mass awareness around gender oppression and has shed light on abuse faced in the name of love. This however was countered by the notion that love suffers long. That the one who will stand through the emotional abuse and inconsistency of a man is much more worthy and deserves to be wifed.