This is to anyone who has always wanted to achieve something but the circumstances and discouragement were just too much to endure. You can still do it.

There is so much potential in the Namibian youth, Namibian young women to be specific.

Most young women like me have dreams, I mean BIG dreams.  As women, one has to go through so much to obtain whatever one has to achieve because it’s a jungle out there. I believe that women are naturally born leaders, we just need support and accept the motivation from those around us, who believe in us. Talking from my own experience after quitting my job to further my studies on full-time,  it was not a walk in the park. I received critic from people, who thought I was crazy. They couldn’t understand why I’d go all the way to study in another country when we have universities in Namibia.

People will always find ways to discourage and demotivate you but you just need to FOCUS.

To me that did not matter as I had an END GOAL in mind. It will get tough but women you are tougher.

I remember during my studies thinking to myself wow this is not what I anticipated and signed up for but because I knew I had to do it for myself I studied so hard as if my life depended on it. I just graduated from the best university on the continent. Who could have thought? It has been a long life dream. I remember applying to the same university in 2015 and getting rejected because I did not have enough working experience to meet the admission requirements but I decided not to give up and applied the following year and I got accepted.

I would like to encourage every young ambitious woman out there that has a burning desire to succeed to GO FOR IT. You can achieve anything that you want to achieve and you can be whoever you want to be. It is not easy but it’s doable. All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. Make a few sacrifices here and there you will make it. Set goals, be positive, pray, get a mentor to direct you and guide, read books and just FOCUS. I know some women are in male dominated industries and it is difficult to shine in there and get to the top, just do your best and work hard at your own pace you will get that position that you have been dreaming of.

There are no secrets to success; it is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure AND success is also not just what you accomplish in your life it’s also about what you inspire others to do.  FUTURE IS FEMALE!!



– Tuwilika Kamati


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