


How to care for your beard

Growing a beard and taking good care of it can sound really easy. But just like maintaining the hair on top of your heard, it requires a lot of attention and a little more than just combing it every other day and hoping it grows how you envision it to.

So here are a couple of ways you can care for your beard and make sure it smells and looks good all the time.

– Shallot Mohutege

The metrosexual man – with Reginaldo

The dictionary defines the term “metrosexual” as an urban man who enjoys shopping, fashion, and similar interests traditionally associated with women or homosexual men.

Mark Thompson once wrote “Metrosexual man. The single young man with a high disposal income, living or working in the city (because that’s where all the best shops are) is perhaps the most promising consumer market of the decade.”

It’s acceptable for a guy to be fashionable and always prefer to look good without people questioning his sexuality. Much to popular belief, metrosexual men have nothing to do with sexuality.

We had the chance to sit and chat with your favourite, Reginaldo Mar to find out more about his style and to help us define the “metrosexual” man. 

Inner beauty: The Power of Common Courtesies

Beauty! What a misnomer. The word has managed to build a multi-billion industry with a particular focus on the beauty that any naked eye can see i.e. external beauty.  The industry has everything and anything your money can buy to fit your description of beauty. In the era of the Kardashians, fuller lips, bigger butts, smaller waists and bleached straight hair seem to be the trend. We go out of the way to try and paint the picture that we have beauty through makeup, fancy and/or trendy clothes and for some even through plastic surgery. In essence, directly or indirectly, we are made to believe that our identity is centred on our physical appearance.

My Self-Care Beauty Bath – Beauty Boois

Self-care is more than just a practice, it is a lifestyle; which is why I think it’s so important to incorporate your self-care practices into ordinary routines such as taking a bath. I usually take a shower because it’s faster and saves more water but every Sunday I love to indulge in a luxurious long bath. I refer to my Sunday bath ritual as a Beauty Bath because that’s exactly how I feel after pampering and spoiling myself; I feel beautiful, clean, soft, warm, cared for and loved and here’s why….

The skin shall obey

The skin is a beautiful thing and the confidence that comes with having healthy skin is exceptionally rewarding. How than will I achieve healthy skin? What products do I use? These are just some of the many questions we end up asking ourselves whenever we want to start the journey of obtaining healthy skin.  Getting the right products is not always easy, you would have to have come across thousands of skin care brands. The sense of achievement when you finally find the right products for your skin and the skin responds to it effectively… JACKPOT!

— Rena Stephanus