


How to care for your beard

Growing a beard and taking good care of it can sound really easy. But just like maintaining the hair on top of your heard, it requires a lot of attention and a little more than just combing it every other day and hoping it grows how you envision it to.

So here are a couple of ways you can care for your beard and make sure it smells and looks good all the time.

– Shallot Mohutege

Naked Masculinity

Masculinity… People seem to know it, when they see it. They sense it, they react to it, but if you ask most men to define masculinity, you get a lot of confused and conflicted answers. In many cases you get a short lecture on morality, tradition, and the popular conception of manhood.

-Rena Stephanus

Are men trash?

The #MenAreTrash hashtag has been trending on all social media platforms for quite some time now. The hashtag started off as not only a cry for help but a sign of solidarity and unity amongst women all over the globe. For all the times women constantly had to live in fear.  For the times they can’t take moonlight walks or meanders because it turns them into prey. There are ravenous beasts out there who lurk in various spaces, threatening a woman’s very existence, in clubs, at home, on the streets, on campus, at work, even in taxis!