samples of college admission essays.

Hi guys. 🙂

How are you coping?

I just recovered, barely, from a flu from hell. Allergies me thinks, but I was down for a week, I wasn’t a functional human.

During this same week, a lot of other things happened including the spread of a global pandemic; Corona Virus.

It was a lot.

This meant lockdown for many countries including Namibia.

Which meant a lot of people losing jobs, gigs, opportunities etc.

On what scale has it affected me and other creatives?  

For me, I’ve had to give my junior designer paid leave for the rest of this month. I’ve had to cancel an event that usually brings in some coins. I’ve had to cancel content creation with my clients. Some retainer clients may have to be placed on a pause because if they aren’t making money, they aren’t able to pay me. I’ve hit a creative block and lost inspiration. I’ve been feeling really sluggish and uninspired – mainly due to anxiety and slight panic.

I think this is what other creatives are going through as well, especially those whose business models are based on events, gatherings or just having people involved.

We don’t know how long this will last so we are now forced to think of how to make money alternatively. As much as people say we need to use this time to relax and do nothing – I don’t think that’s possible for a lot of people seeing their livelihood is on the line.

Where do we go from here?

First thing on my agenda was to chase outstanding invoices. If you owe a creative or freelancer, now is a great time to pay them.

I also am trying to finish current jobs, get paid, pay expenses and make space for new projects (should there be any). I’m fortunate enough that most of my work is done online and remotely. Which is something I urge my fellow creatives to explore. Find your space on the digital front and use it to your best advantage.

Either by creating content – bringing awareness to your skills, gaining new skills, or directly making money off it.

Start a YouTube channel, get paid for ads, affiliate marketing, influencer marketing. Create a challenge online, make something trend. Share your knowledge – ask people to pay for it in the form of courses. People need music to listen to – make it. People need entertainment – create it. Brands will need to find new ways into people’s homes now, put yourself in the position that they decide to use you to do it – make them pay you.

I know this isn’t going to be easy, but you can surely try and see how it goes. If all things fail, start a go fund me and have people send you money. Lol.

You could also use this time to start on projects you’ve always wanted to kick off. Also, a lot of sites are giving away free classes – use them to learn a new skill. It may also be time to venture in other avenues – see other ways to make money.

We will have to be super creative to get through this. I hope we all do.

But don’t forget to rest and take care of your mental health, I know how it can get.

Till next time,

Betty Sibeso

How are you coping? Any suggestions for creatives?

Tweet me… @bettysibeso

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