We have all experienced love at some point in our lives, whether we were receiving or giving it. Platonic or romantic. At times the experience left us heartbroken but a lot of times it taught us that Love is one of the most profound emotions known to human beings and when done right, it provides a source of deep fulfillment.

We found out from a few of our industry faves what LOVE has done for them.

Sean Kamati

Singer | Blogger | Creative
Love is a fully packed word. It comes with so much. Good bad and ugly. But it is definitely something we cannot live without. No matter how much you try and fight it love affects us all.
Love has made me write a fully loaded album on the different levels of a relationship with oneself or someone else. Every song on my album has to do with a personal experience and love had something to do with all of them. Except the turn up! 🙂

Tjuna Kauapirura

Actress | MC | Entrepreneur
Love has set me free from going through a cold day alone. It has also brought on an even greater and different kind of love; a mother’s love for a child. All in all, even though love has given me a roller-coaster of a ride with its high and low moments, it has allowed me to grow as an individual.

Mickey Nekomba

Journalist at The Namibian

Love had a name once. Believe me, my heart was a gambler that time. It chose someone quite unlikely, specifically during a period of my life when I was wading in the wind with ribbons in my hair and being that “I don’t need nobody” type of girl… Until he came into my world with all his glory. A rebel fleur with a cause. A lover of all things rough and rowdy. I couldn’t help it when there was a spark. A flare. Fireworks. Beaming from the ends of my soul because I was living in love. No other feeling could compare. And without warning, he disappeared without a trace. No calls. No meetings. Absolutely nothing at all. It was over before it truly began. Love tossed me into a war with myself. It crushed me. Terrified me. Hardened my heart. And took me to places in my mind that I’d never thought I’d be. But at least I knew love. That in turn taught me peace. Although broken hearts take some time to fix, I also realized this: Love is quite possibly one of the greatest things to ever happen to a human being.


David Wamambo

Creative Director at Vaultz Connect

Love is such a tremendous force, an exciting feeling but one that requires long suffering, undesirable sacrifices and pain. One thing I’d say love has done for me is that every experience has been unique. From making mistakes, taking risks and accepting truth. To find a person that is willing to listen to the desires of your heart and say the right things back to you is amazing, but when they act it out, it challenges me to try and be the best version of myself.


Beaulah Boois

Corporate Communications Officer at NBC

Love has taught me that there’s more to my life than just being a mother. It has taught me that it’s ok to be loved, in a romantic way, and to make time for myself and for my person and still be a great mom!

Love has taught me that I don’t need to go through life’s challenges by myself; no matter how used to ‘doing things alone and independent” I am…that I have a support structure other than that of my family.

It has taught me that we get hurt, and dust ourselves off and give ourselves time to heal and to never give up on being happy and finding happiness! I have learnt that when someone doesn’t make me feel good, that it’s ok to let go and start over and not to carry the hurt of the past into a new relationship, be it platonic or romantic!

 But most of all, love has taught me that I am supported and accepted and loved for who I am!

Harry Msimuko

Writer | Lyricist | Public Speaker


The most over used, but least understood word in the English language. I have come to appreciate that most clichés about love don’t do it justice. These clichés often have one word that (supposedly) explains this HUGE thing called love. For example, ‘love hurts’, ‘love is blind’, ‘love is a drug’ etc.

One phrase about love that makes a lot of sense to me is, ‘love is something IF you give it away.’

 By learning to give love, it has opened me up to receive and appreciate it …even if it’s not given the way I imagined or would like it to be… but because I understand I don’t love perfectly, even though I try, it’s the same for others.

 Considering everything I feel that I understand about love, this is what love does for me:

It makes me appreciate the beauty of life when I hear my daughter’s voice, it lets me hug a star when I embrace my son and love allows me to fly higher when my wife anchors and holds me down.

 So love has given me purpose, value and direction… not because I am receiving it, but because I am privileged to share it.

What has love done for you?

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