Radio presenter and media student Marcello is the quintessential cool guy. Hair, check. Style, check. Career, check. We are not kidding, check out his Instagram page.

Nevermind we’ll show you.

How would you describe your style?

I would describe my style as an urban street style kinda thing, because it’s influenced by urban artists such as Aaliyah, 2 Pac etc.

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We see a whole lot of Rihanna and Drake on your Tumblr, tell us more about that obsession?

I’m obsessed with Rihanna and Drake mainly because of their style, to me they are the male and female fashion icons. You’ll see most of the times, I’ll throw on Timbs and ripped jeans with a coat, that’s what they wear on a normal day out as well. And plus, they just make dope music, and that’s why I dedicated my tumblr blog to them.

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Your favourite item in your closet right now?

My favourite item in my closet right now would be my long black coat , its so easy, you can just wear some jeans with a basic shirt and throw on your big coat and still look good.

What is your ideal squad?

My ideal squad is my own little squad, Lorna Felicia and Ndapcee, yeah that’s my squad, you know what they say “the realest people don’t have a lot of friends”. And basically an ideal squad should always, motivate, support and encourage each other to do better at all times like mine does.

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What are your plans for the future in regards to the fashion industry?

I want to involve and throw myself in the fashion industry because I have a passion for fashion. It shows how creative and innovative each individual is, also I want to start an organisation where we will do charity work to hand clothes out to people who need it more than some of us. I am also keen on starting a vlog/blog in the future to enlighten people more about fashion since our fashion industry is slowly evolving.

Check out Marcello’s blog here:

Follow him on Instagram:

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