We are pretty sure that you have made a “save more, spend less and invest” note on your list of resolutions when the year started .

The question is, have you started spending less, saving more and investing?

 If not, here are  few tips on how to keep your word without having it sounding too daunting.

1. Make an extra income

You can start by cleaning out your closet. Doesn’t make sense? Well think of it this way, revamping your wardrobe can save you money.  Keep and invest in items that you actually want and will wear, that are higher quality, and that are practical. As for the rest, you sell the rest. Participate at Closet-exchange, fashion flee markets, online platforms that buy or invest in hand-me-down.

2. Minimalise your entire lifestyle

Spend on lesser and nicer things. Get rid of the extras, we are talking about cutting on eating out, attending all the shows, buying new outfits for these shows you attend. Getting organized and having less stuff makes it that much easier to take stock of exactly how you’re spending your money.

3.  Gyming?

Cut cost with your fitness regime. We absolutely understand that staying in shape is thee ultimate investment, but it can be quite an expensive process to endure. We believe that  having to take a thorough analyses on every aspect of your routine can help cut back on some of the cost directed to keeping in shape i.e if all it takes to loose weight is running. Opt to jog and/or sprint outside of the gym. If it takes you to get your summer body ready, opt to getting a qym membership  for only a certain period of time.

4. Lastly, delete all kinds of temptations

We are tempted on a daily bases and temptations are all around us. Your phone is a major contributing factor. Yes, they have become more convenient than  ever before to a point where  all it takes is a single swipe that leads to a rash  decisions. Delete all apps on your phone that tempt you to spend frivolously.

We believe with this easy tips, one can keep their word to spending less and investing more.

Tell us how you are spending less money by writing to us today.


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