Kama how to look tall, tall for who? For how, for what and for the Why? They say the taller you are the easier to get struck by lightning! Shiiii..

Also the taller you are the more lotion you use on the extra skin and the more likely you are to be an ashy ass person. Also cars are becoming tiny now, you don’t want to be sitting in a two door Audi and your knees are by your chest!

Also don’t be too short coz you won’t be recognized. You don’t want to be so short the only clothes that fit you are found in the kiddies section, you don’t wanna be so short that when you walk with your partner they ask them is this your first born… you don’t want to be so short that you need a baby on board sticker on the car and a kiddies sit to go in with.

What I’m trying to say is just look how you are dammit! God gave you that height for a reason, just look yourself, it’s stress free and it’s the natural real you!

Do you agree?

Follow Courage on Instagram: @couragethecomedian

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