Our readers share the meaning behind their tattoos.

Keisha Madeira

My tattoo is of the ancient “Queen Nerfertiti “of Egypt. Her name means “the beautiful one has arrived” or “a beautiful woman has come” which basically talks about beauty. I have had issues with low self-esteem and not feeling confident about my looks, I  needed to be reassured by people that I am beautiful because I found it hard to see it for myself. As I’m growing I’m starting to learn that I should see myself as beautiful in order for others to see it too. So this is a constant reminder for me that whenever I feel like I’m not good enough or whatsoever, I am beautiful in my own eyes and I don’t need validation from anybody else.


Faustina Nangolo


The scripture emphasizes that we can always trust the Lord’s goodness and power. We can plan for the future as much as we want, but it ultimately is up to Him. Sometimes this plan doesn’t include what we wish or long for. The reality is that we will experience hardships along the way. If God brought you to it, he will bring you through it. But that won’t happen overnight. It takes time. So be patient. All I have been through is what inspired me to have a tattoo of that scripture.

Kuveri Tjaronda

So basically, my tattoo means “It’ll pass”. What inspired this tattoo was, last year in my German class we analysed a German song and the words I got tatted on me were part of the lyrics. I loved the lyrics and it serves as a reminder to not always be so hard on myself when I face certain challenges and that at the end of the day the hurt, sadness or disappointment I will encounter- it’ll pass. Nothing is fixed, bad times come and they pass.


The reason why I got this tattoo it’s in memory of my grandma. The first date on the left side (23.12.1937) is the year my grandma was born Rebecca Liwonde, The heart that you see represents the love she had for her kids, grandkids and her other family members. The rays is the period she lived for and finally the last date (05.08.2016) and that straight line is when she passed on.

-Rauna Magongo

What does your tattoo mean? Share with us on our social media platforms @monochromemag

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