I use to have this EXTRA special pose that my high school friends would make fun of.

I specifically remember it from my Grade 12 year. That is when the ‘’pose’’ became a thing amongst my friends.

I was nominated to be the Head Girl of my school. Up to this day, I am not sure why ME as I was not an A plus student.

Back in the day, those titles (Head Girl, Head Boy, and SRC/LRC) were deserving of the A plus students and students that were a bit more privileged, financially.

As I would get onto the school stage to open the new school week with the Head Boy on a Monday morning, I would rely on my ‘’pose’’. Naturally, not with intent. I guess it was one of those things one tends to do unintentionally because of nerves.

I thank the masses for the vote of confidence and for electing me, as those stage appearances, I suspect, was the birth of my love for public speaking.

The ‘’pose’’ would constantly get me in hot water with my late mother. You see, the pose would make me put one foot in front of the other and have me so relaxed that I press out my already ‘’gifted waist’’, which mum was not a fan off. She would constantly throw me with a ‘’Anke, trek jou maag in!’’

My personal trainer is very soft spoken, and sexy as hell. But she is also fierce as HELL.

So she would talk to me during our exercise routine and because I am concentrating the hell out of my muscles and because I need all of my energy to do what is expected, I at times do not hear what she is saying.

But then, I listened carefully one day and guess what she said?

Engage your core, Anke!

Instinctively, I understood what she was saying but still I did not heed to her call as much as was expected.

And then I actually asked her and she broke it down for me.

She said, Anke you need to engage your core at all times, when exercising.

So, I said, so what you actually telling me in simple terms is:

‘’Anke, trek jou maag in terwyl jy oefen?’’ And she laughed.

My late mother was never a personal trainer. But she was wise yes? I should have listened to her then.

I have diverted from writing about my health journey, and let me explain myself a bit here. I am a feeler, and as I feel, whatever it may be I write. Hence my topics thus far. I also feel that not everyone out there is sincere. The only reason why I am sharing this journey via my writing is because I want to empower someone who might think it cannot be done.

Hey, if I can do it. Who are you not to be able to do it?

The comments are a topic for another day :  Is that really your tummy? No, it is a pillow I wear under my clothes, in the 30degrees of Windhoek.


However, apart from showing up most of the time and choosing the right meals, I have noticed that the number on the scale has decreased a bit, moving around has become a bit easier, and I feel lighter?

I feel different.

My outlook on exercise has definitely changed.  It does so much for my mental well-being. I have way more energy when I exercise as when I do not exercise. And the spurt of energy comes at 2am in the morning. My writing is thriving at that hour.

I also understand that if I eat trash, it has a ripple effect on my life and energy levels, so I think twice as hard before I take in any junk. The journey thus far has not been without challenges.

I have been down with flu for a week, I have been unable to show up for my routine for a full week due to travelling, I have had an almost black out whilst training due to coming down with flu and not being sure if it was flu or just sinus, all I know is I felt like dying and I apparently went pale and then blue and I wanted to vomit and go to the loo at the same time and then I cried. I’m a big cry baby.

Did I mention that I managed to fit in a dress one size smaller than what I normally wear?


Here is a picture of the visibly ‘’engaged core’’:

Do you notice the change with my core?

Bali, Baby I am coming for you, in a bikini.


Curvy Scorpio



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