Hey buddy

Me again. Let’s have a nice sit down.

Grab a glass of water and let’s get down to some business. 

Our questions sticker from last week had some really amazing questions. If you were one of the askers (aksers) I’d just like to thank you for:

  1. Reaching out and asking.
  2. Being the voice for those who need the same answers. 

One of the most common theme with the questions was the fact that people had questions regarding associations. 

Yeah I know nobody used those words, but if you look closely you can tell that’s where we’re really at.

Associations - Mental connections with things.

This means how you either consciously or subconsciously interpret your world around you. Now that’s open to interpretation (appreciate the attempt at a joke).

We’ll start with the easier of the two.

I could bore you with the literal definitions, but I won’t. If you want to learn more open your browser or a book. If that fails do contact me. For purposes of these articles we’ll keep it semi formal.

Conscious associations – these are the associations you make on a specific level of awareness. This is achieved through various focused activities or practices oriented at creating ideas, feelings or knowledge between things. Things can range from activities to ideas or feelings. Interestingly enough not a lot of us know, understand or use this to our advantage. In part this may be due to the next guy.

Subconscious associations – these are the associations you make without even being aware of it. Sounds silly right? Well not really . Have you ever wondered why certain companies have certain colors in their brands, why certain companies use certain music or let’s bring it closer to home why certain things are just easier than others? Because certain things create associations without you being aware of them. These associations determine how we feel or view  things.

Let’s stick with the last question for the purpose of our article.

Why are certain activities easier than others? Simple because of our associations. Example if we associate exercise with being something difficult, because of what other individuals have experienced or what we’ve seen on television. We’ll view it as difficult.

The truth is though there are different types of exercise methods with different levels of difficulty. Take walking for example. Most of us walk on a daily basis. Walking is a form of exercise. Dancing is associated with fun, yet it also carries multiple fitness benefits and is also viewed as a form of exercise.

The same way weightlifting may be fun for someone because they derive pleasure from moving heavy loads from one place to the next. Whereas you may find your joy in the different ways in which your coordination is challenged.

The point here is figure it out for yourself. Like really figure it out for yourself. Sit down and create conscious associations with the activities you participate in in your daily life.

Don’t let other individuals’ associations with things become yours. Then use that to approach training.

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