With the amount of information out there it can get a little overwhelming to figure out what to use and what not to use.
So before you purchase a product, try out a treatment or follow that D.I.Y, you need to understand what skin type you have.


There are generally 5 categories that can help identify where you fit in. Note that skin can get complicated or change with time so it might not always fit perfectly into one category.

Here are the categories and their characteristics.

1. Normal skin

– Clear complexion.
– Not to dry or oily, it’s perfectly balanced.
Although it’s the dream skin type it still requires the regular, cleansing, toning and moisturizing to maintain it.

2. Dry skin

– Feels itchy, dry and sensitive at times.
– Dull appearance with finer pores.
Should always be hydrated from inside out with fresh water and outside in with a rich hydrating moisturiser.

3. Oily skin

– Enlarged pores, prone to pimples, blackheads and breakouts with blemishes.
– Looks and feels greasy and shiny.
Most dreaded skin type but ages better than the dry skin because of its oil production.

4. Combination skin

Most common skin type people have. It’s between oily-dry or normal skin combined.
It is a tricky skin type but assessing it regularly and using the right products to the effected areas can benefit it in the long run.

5. Sensitive skin

– Prone to redness, itchiness and dryness.
– It reacts adversely to environmental factors.
Benefits by using gentle,light and natural products with essential oils.

Check out Wellem Kapenda’s skin routine: http://monochromemagazine.net/2017/02/03/wellem-kapendas-skin-care-routine/


Step 1.

Wash your face and look at it.

Step 2.

Touch it to asses how it feels.

Tips I always give my clients:

Write down what your findings are, how the skin reacts and where.
Take pictures before any treatments:
This makes it easier to understand your skin and keep track of changes, also very helpful when doing a consultation and assessment of the skin before any treatments.
Keep in mind natural factors like the weather, nutrition, lifestyle and products all play a big role in how your skin looks and feels.

Still unsure? You can send me an email or direct message me on Instagram at Cindy_Kavita.

*Main image: Model: Lou Deng (Richards) Ph: Veronica Formos

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