Hello 2019!

Compliments of the New Year, Mono Readers!

We are back with a fresh new content plan and bucket load of excitement for all things Namibian fashion and lifestyle pop culture.

As mentioned in last month’s editorial we have officially moved away from our monthly digital issues and are going back to posting as we go. Regular and fresher content.

We’ll be introducing new columns, adding to your current faves. We’ll be doing giveaways, competitions and more fashion challenges.

Our website is set to feature regular and fresh content on the daily and we’d like every Namibian passionate about our fashion and arts culture to be a part of our continued journey.

We are also offering our site and social media as advertising platforms to local businesses and corporations/brands. We promise to curate content that best represents our clients and readers.

With that said 2019 is set to include even better and fresher content!

Make sure you are a part of it!

Should you have any suggestions or comments simply send an email to info@monochromemagazine.net.

Don’t forget to subscribe!


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