How do models always get their skin right and glowing?

The gorgeous fashion model, Lisa Namasiku, lets us in on the products she uses to stay photo ready.

Photo: @pearlavenue_

Personally I’ve always treated my skin like a baby. You take good enough care of it and it’s definitely bound to grow healthy or in this case glow. Lol.

Every skin type is different and responds differently to any products or routine but one thing I’ve come to realise is that consistency is key. Finding a product/s that work for you can be frustrating sometimes…

but baby when you stumble on it , that’s your holy grail.

I’ve tried a good number of products on my skin , some worked and some didn’t. I remember stumbling upon a Mihlali skin care routine back in 2018 and she spoke about Gentle Magic. I thought well what do I have to lose? I started using it and honestly It’s worked wonders for me, because I have combination skin. When I first started, I’d use it like 3 times a day.

Photo: @Tuvawolf

Exfoliating is a major part of any skin care routine because it helps unclog pores and prevent acne, furthermore I know people say this all the time and it’s probably become cliche by now but water is your friend. Drink as much as you can, stay hydrated.

Nothing beats a good night’s rest, so make sure you get enough sleep to keep that skin looking young and fresh, this helps a lot because I usually don’t have to go the extra mile when I have a photo shoot. One thing I usually add to my normal routine though is steaming my face, it helps open the pores more and allows the skin to breathe underneath when make up is put on.

Photo: @kueenliz


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(Main Image: @blxckfyre)

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