I have had quite an interesting two weeks, from loosing my hearing in one ear, to almost regaining it almost entirely.

I am not in the clear yet and have to return for the final verdict but hey, I am trusting the Big Guy on this one.  Whatever the outcome, so shall it be.

Most of my life, I have always known what my purpose in life was.  In Grade 12, I was asked, where I’d want to be in 5 years time and I proudly told my English teacher that I will be a published artist. There is that ambition.

Well, almost twenty years later and I am not a published artist.

Why? Mmmm, let’s see. I got too busy to render my purpose significant.

Soon life happened, and I became totally engrossed with building a corporate career and when I opened my eyes again, it was years later, and my purpose was carefully tucked away under all the BS that life throws at a person.

This all changed two years ago. I became extremely ‘’pressed’’ and after realizing why I felt so pressed and empty I started cultivating my purpose, slowly but surely.  I moved away from the city and all of a sudden I had all the time on my hands, to write!

The more time I spent doing it, the more I knew that – this is what life should actually be like. This is why I am on earth. Nothing else – not the stilettos, red lips or the fancy meetings.

However, life is not all sugar and spice and I could not pursue my purpose full time. I felt a great need to live in my purpose daily and I decided to put it out to the universe. Literally, speaking it into existence, and also, sacrificing small pleasures.  

I scrolled through social media and I saw an advert the other day, that literally has a direct path to my purpose daily. Almost too late, I decided to take a chance and apply!  At first I doubted if I have the capabilities, but the fighting spirit in my nudged me into doing it.

A few days later, one of those days that PMS was really hitting hard, I received an email, inviting me to an interview. Okay!

The interview was for a position entirely different as to what I am doing currently, so I had no idea how to prepare myself.   However, I did what I could with the time I had on hand to prepare myself and I walked in that interview super nervous.

Everything was different about this interview, in a good way.  I got an opportunity to sell myself as a creative, and I didn’t have to try very hard, I spoke from the heart, and I got positive feedback from the panel.

Last week, I was informed that I made it to the second leg of the interview. YAYYYY!  However, the second part of the interview entailed submitting three scripts.

I mean writing is writing yes?


I decided to have a very low key weekend, with as little as possible stimuli, in order for me to focus.  I managed to have an early night Friday evening. Saturday I went for an awesome facial at Le Palm Beauty Salon and then I took my son out for a movie.

When everyone was sound asleep, I penned some thoughts down, gave my story some structure and after two hours only, I had a script of 3 minutes and 30 seconds long.

I now have respect for Script Writers.

I completed the rest of the scripts by Sunday afternoon and I’d be lying if I said it was easy, but it was quite interesting.  Tapping into my creative side and challenging myself. I successfully submitted my script assignment this morning and I have a GOOD feeling.

No, I know the job is mine. PERIOD. I am already packing my boxes at my current job. *chuckles*

I know, some people will be rolling their eyes at me.

From Banker to Writer full time. Oh YEAH why not?

Each to his own. We tend to limit ourselves so much, thinking we can not do certain things.  But if you put your mind to it, you can do anything you set your sights on. It just needs a bit of moving out of your comfort zone.

My message to you today is:

Nothing is Impossible Ever.  And as I have said the last time.

Your dreams are valid.

And yes, even if I don’t get this opportunity, it is fine.

I am getting it soon. Wink Wink.


‘’Curvy Scorpio’’


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